#00122/Greeting Card (6.25" x 4.5") - Blank [Click on card for a close-up so you can read all that goddamn text...]
The First Commandment of the glamorous, fast-paced greeting card business is THOU SHALT HAVETH A GREETING OR PUNCHLINE INSIDE THY CARD BECAUSE THINE CUSTOMERS WANT THEY CARD TO DOETH THEIR SPEAKING FOR THEM. Well, 99.5% of Roger That! cards break the First Commandment on the principle that there are still people out there who have their own thoughts to convey. Having thus reduced its customer base to 374 people worldwide, Roger That! also breaks the Second Commandment: THOU SHALT CONVEY THY MESSAGE WITH AS FEW WORDS AS POSSIBLE. However, we feel confident that our 374-person customer base has above-average reading comprehension skills and can tolerate a bit more verbiage on their greeting card than they see on their typical roadside bulletin board. This is all by way of explaining why "Path of Love" is the quintessential Roger That! design. You have to actually read it or else it conveys absolutely nothing. And, of course, it has no greeting inside. So what is it for? Is it for use as a Valentine's Day card? an anniversary card? a Dear John letter? a suicide note? That's up to you, because you and the other 373 mavericks don't live by society's rules, and you certainly don't take orders from your fucking greeting cards!