#00346/Greeting Card (4.5" x 6.25") - Blank
Having trouble remembering all 12 apostles? Here's a handy mnemonic that will give you the first letters of each guy's name:
So Many People Applied But Jesus Picked Just Twelve Men - - Team Jesus!
Theological note: This only works if you take out one J(udas) and replace it with one M(atthias). I feel this is theologically sound because Judas never made the varsity apostle squad, due to a game-throwing incident. His replacement, Matthias, was not at the famous team dinner, and he never got to spend much time with Jesus, but he was an important member of the post-Jesus team. Then he had his head cut off. Or he was stoned to death. Or he died of old age. One of those.
If you insist on a mnemonic with Judas instead of Matthias, then you've got a ton of J's to deal with and you end up with some fucked up garbage like this:
Jack's Jumping Seal Just Tore My Aunt's Purple Parka To Junky Bits
See how stupid that is? My way is better.