#00246/Greeting Card (6.25" x 4.5") - Blank
Fun Fact: That $2.35 sweater ended up forty years later in a Salvation Army thrift store in Los Gatos, California, where an awkward 13-year old bought it for $1.99 to look "all vintagey and shit." Sure, it smelled weird, and yes, there was a moth hole on the sleeve, but had NO PILLS! And another 38 years later, I STILL have that goddamn sweater (smells fine, hole patched) and it STILL doesn't have any pills! It's fucking 75 years old and it looks better than the goddamn Italian cashmere $385 J. Crew sweater that I bought last year!!! Will someone explain this to me! Now, I never get nostalgic for the so-called "good old days," because as fucked up as the world is today, at least we can all vote, and gals can get good jobs, and gay people can get married, and I love all these new types of milk that just keep coming out. But the ONE CONCRETE THING the past has to offer, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise, is SWEATERS THAT DON'T PILL!