#00305/Greeting Card (4.5" x 6.25") - Blank
What Many Women Have Concluded about Adorable Little Handbags and Pointy, Very High-Heeled Shoes:
Wee little purses are undeniably appealing, but they are impossible to actually use. You can’t put them over your shoulder, which means you have to carry them by their tiny little handles, which means you are stuck in a state of helpless, ladylike one-handedness.
Plus they’re so damn small that you have to pare down your usual tonnage to what the fashion magazines refer to as “the essentials,” whatever the hell that means.
But let’s face it: if you’re wearing those pointy, four-inch high-heeled shoes, you’ve already thrown practicality out the window. You might as well be one-armed and ill-equipped, in addition to being hobbled and in constant pain.