#00396/Greeting Card (4.5" x 6.25") - Blank
Personally, I hate traveling. I don't like going to "exotic" places because "exotic" often means (a) poor, in which case I don't like being the stupid rich American; or, (b) relatively unspoiled, in which case why the fuck do I want to go spoil it? I don't like going to big foreign cities because I don't speak any languages other than a smattering of English. I don't like going to new places in the United States because they always confirm my worst fears about this country. I guess that leaves Great Britain and Canada. But I don't want to go to the UK because I passionately hate flying. So that leaves Canada. By train. Or boat. But who the hell travels by trains or boats? I'll tell you who: people who don't mind being in close quarters with the same goddamn bunch of chuckleheads for long periods of time. That rules me out. Guess I'll just stay here.